Wallhogs Custom Wall Decals for Business
Welcome to the Wallhogs Business Solutions section!. Regardless of your custom business wall decal needs, you have come to the right place. We have offerings to fit any office style, whether you need something professional that maintains a business-meeting-style vibe, or perhaps you are in the market for something a bit more fun that speaks to a more casual lounge-room style, we have you covered.
How about making things official and securing a logo wall decal of your business, or maybe a business name wall decal? No problem.

Don’t Limit Yourself to the Wall Decals for the Business Office
Custom wall decals for your business don’t have to be limited to your office. On the contrary, there are many appropriate places for such logos and branding. After all, sometimes the point is not to decorate your office or make it more official, but to promote your business to those on the street or visitors to the building.
For example, what about a custom corporate wall decal for the hallway in your office building? Perhaps you have an office space in a larger building and want to make sure visitors know about you. Or maybe there is a space in the front lobby that you can secure and boost your company brand with a wall decal for your business.
What is nice about creating custom wall decals for your business is that they provide the freedom and flexibility to match any space. Whether going for a custom business logo wall decal, or just the name of your business, vinyl business wall decals can be tailored to fit any space for any occasion.

Any Custom Business Wall Decal You Can Think Of
And if you aren’t sure what type of business vinyl wall decal you are looking for, no worries, we are here to help! Here you will find ideas and information pertaining to custom wall decals for your office, or for any business project that you might have on your radar – everything from simple wall decal logos to detailed signage. And this could mean promotional campaigns as well.
After all, if something is serious enough to be the focus of your business efforts (even if only for a period of time) then perhaps it is worth considering a custom wall decal for the office that makes it known.

We Are The Name in The Game
Over the past 16+ years, Wallhogs has worked with hundreds of both small businesses and large corporations. We don’t make custom wall decals for businesses that are one-size-fits-all. Rather, we work with businesses of all sizes to create custom logo wall decals that are tailored to fit everyone’s needs.
And what makes our custom office wall decals even better is that all of our products can be easily installed without any professional assistance, thereby saving you much-needed time, as well as capital that you can reinvest in your business. We also offer discounts based upon order sizes of 10+ prints, so if your office has multiple spaces, or perhaps your conference room could also use a boost, then you save even more.
Take some time to learn more about what we can offer below and also review some of the projects we've successfully helped other businesses bring to fruition. All of the images for clients on this page were produced by Wallhogs.
Get started now and save 15% off your
initial order using code TAKE15
during checkout (orders of 10 pieces or more are eligible for a bulk discount
and you will need to contact one of our wall décor experts so they can generate
a code for you).
Questions? Contact one of our wall decal
experts at cs@wallhogs.com, or via our toll-free
number, (877) 900-4647, M-F, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.
Partner Companies

Wallhogs Customer Product Testimonials

“People stop everyday and
photograph the Wallhog of
the lady in the bathtub full of
chocolate on the window of
my store. Also used them for
the outdoor menus that you
cannot see in this picture and
the indoor menus too. I am a
huge fan!”
New York

“I am very happy with the
custom decals for my waxing
and skincare studio. The
service was great, it was easy
to install and it looks polished
and professional. Great
quality, competitive pricing,
and quick turnaround time.”

“This custom vinyl Wallhog
is the corporate logo of a
startup in Texas. This logo
was uploaded as a vector
graphic and this is not a
cutout. That is one solid 7 feet
wide by 5 feet tall piece of semi-
adhesive vinyl. Thanks.”
Big In

“Wallhogs print in our main
entrance hallway.”