Wallhogs Preferred Reseller Partner Program | What Tools Are Available?
What Tools Are Provided To Assist In Selling?
Wallhogs offers several marketing tools dependent upon how you are selling the wall decor products. For digital e-commerce sales, you are authorized to utilize any of the images on the Wallhogs website - provided you are currently an authorized partner. If you are seeking to simply drive traffic to Wallhogs and be paid a commission, you may want to review our Marketing Affiliate Program. If selling via brick-and-mortar or at events we offer free marketing and sell sheets you may download and customize - the vinyl wall decal sheets are available here and Photo-Tex fabric sheets here. Tools for other products will be available once our marketing department completes them.
Questions? Use the FAQ link below or contact one of our Affiliate Partner Program associates at affiliates@wallhogs.com. Your questions will be answered within 24 business hours.
Wallhogs Customer Product Testimonials

“My office...love your stuff!”
Dan Clawson

“Just wanted to say thanks for
a great job on my decals! My
7-yr-old son wanted an
Arizona-themed bedroom to
remind him of Grampy and
Grammy’s house...we used
pictures actually taken from
their house in Tucson to have
made them into wall decals. They
came out great!”
Jackie O'Brien
New Hampshire

“My son Ethan posing with his
Wallhog. LOVE your company
and the many possibilities
that Wallhogs offer!”
Eric Varney
New York

“I wanted to take a moment
and thank you for all your
help. The Wallhog was
awesome! Here is a photo
of the final product.”
Steve Bondi